PhoenixFyrelO The previous posters have covered these classes PVP wise. Here's some PVE perspective: Marauder: Hands down one of the top dps classes since the launch of the game. Has the 3 very good defensive cooldowns, so much that our tanks joke about having a marauder tank our raids. Provides great utility in Predation and Bloodthirst, a group speed boost and damage boost respectively. Operative: Very good healers and massive burst dps.
Operatives use a separate energy source Tactical Advantage in addition to their standard energy pool so you have to learn to manage both for key burst phases. Also somewhat hurt in that one of their big damage abilites, Hidden Strike, can only be used from stealth, which is on a 1. One of the more complex classes to play but very rewarding for those who can master it. Assassin: I actually don't know that much about this class but they are solid damage dealers. Better overall survivability than most dps due to good cooldowns.
This plus stealth-burst makes them very desirable in PVP. Both Ops and Sins can utilize their in-combat stealth to perform stealth-rezs. These are difficult and risky to pull off but can save your group from a wipe if your battle-rez has already been used. These classes can also stealth-cc enemies to allow trash skipping, both in raids and while leveling. Now for serious business honest biased opinion time. This primarily applies if you are going to get into serious endgame raiding.
Ops and sins are good, definitely better than pre 2. Other than stealth-rez, which is better done by an op healer than dps, marauders provide better dps and raid utility. If PVP is your goal, all 3 are viable in some way or another. Not really too concerned about a number stand point, really concerned about the play style and how entertaining it is. You do realize that marauder is not a stealth class? They can have 4 second stealth every 45 seconds, nothing more.
That's not a deal breaker I suppose I could have thought of a different title for the post though. Belly The statements and opinions expressed on these websites are solely those of their respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the views, nor are they endorsed by Bioware, LucasArts, and its licensors do not guarantee the accuracy of, and are in no way responsible for any content on these websites. Log In Play Free. What's the point of being a stealth class?
Aecheon Its not like any of the skippable stuff is hardline story content. Its literally trash mobs. For example, "Dragon's Maw" that makes you run from one end of the map to the other end and then back again, over and over. Stealthing would have circumvented that and you could have completed chapters in a reasonable amount of time. Can't have that! The newer design team seems to understand that people who are playing stealth character want to actually stealth past mobs.
Space Barbie. Once you get in position, you need to wait for two things to happen: One — Darth Ikoral needs to be shooting lightning. Wait a moment to make sure it worked — if it did, she will start shaking around.
If it did not work and she goes back to casting, you will need to wait for your interrupt and try again. Once you complete the first lady, you will run to the other side of the room with your passive companion and do the exact same thing for the second lady. Darth Ikoral may or may not spawn another enemy called the Zealot. The Zealot usually spawns near the front of the room. She will cast an ability that roots you to the floor, not allow you to move, which will prevent you from properly attacking her, getting to the ladies, or getting to the boss.
You can also then try and teleport and attack her. Lastly, if you are 10 meteres or less away from her, you can interrupt her which will allow you to run up and attack her. The more of these you collect, the less damage you take, up to a max of 4. I was able to collect about three with just enough time to teleport back, if you are dying lots maybe get a fourth, if you are not dying collect less.
He will then start attacking both you and your companion, flipping back and fourth quickly. This is the part of the fight that I kept dying at — he kept attacking and killing my companion. If this is happening, it means you need to find a way to up your damage.
In my case, I needed to do the mechanics with the ladies better to waste less time, and really focus on my DPS abilities and how they play off of eachother. Veteran Mode Red Reaper is very similar, and though it drops less valuable gear, it still drops some and is good practice.
I ran it about 4 times myself and asked lots of other players what their experiences were while running since I was streaming. Players were reporting in at clocking in at minutes per run, and although I was very slow, I definitely think you could get it to under ten minutes per run.
So each time I ran I got approximately 20 pieces of gear per run gold gear if I had This seemed pretty stable. On my server the embers are pretty stable at , credits or more. I got approximately 10 isotope thingies per boss. So 30 per fp, and 6 fp per hour, and they are pretty stable at 15, credits on Star Forge server.
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