While playing Gearmaster, I can run the dungeon in Abyss mode without having any difficulty and I get to loot 2 Polished Alteum per run in my case in this dungeon. The second thing that you may want to hunt is the High Grade level 50 codes which can be looted at level 50 dungeons located at Lotus Marsh. In Holywood the prices of the following Codes are gold, gold and gold respectively. And also, don't forget the High Grade Revert Code which can be sold for a whooping gold.
Important Note: The only downside of this gold farming technique is sealing the codes as it takes a lot of luck doing so. But if you are lucky enough, then probably you will become a millionaire in no time with this technique alone.
Bonus Tip : I suggest that you go with a party while doing this gold farming technique as it would be easier. Enter All Nest Every Week Every week, we are provided with entry pass in each Nest and, I think it would be a good idea to enter on these dungeons every week. If you are lucky enough, you can loot gears in Nests, especially from Gigantes Nest, Archbishop Nest and even at Sea Dragon Nest which is good enough to make lots of gold. Not only that, you might also loot accesories such as Apocalypse Rings, Necklace or Earrings and also, you can loot some useful plates especially those which are very expensive.
Just take for example the June Daily Login Madness that was held last June which has given lots of players lots of gold. If you're a hardcore gamer, well, the best way to earn gold fast in the game is to buy cc items from the shop and sell it for gold.
If you have enough real money to support your gaming endeavor, then go buy some CC items but if not, best that you stick with methods 1 to 5. The best CC items you must buy in the Cash Shop to earn lots of golds are: Important Notes: The items highlighted in red color are the items which can reward you with lots of gold. Item Protection Jelly b. Potential Extractor d. Seal Stamp e.
DNP Voucher f. Altea's Gacha-Box g. Latest Costumes e. So, there you have it. Follow this guide and I'm pretty sure that you'll definitely have as much gold in dragon nest to buy whatever you want.
All the methods mentioned above are free and tested that you can earn gold in dragon nest SEA fast. If you do, then write down some feedbacks on the comment box or share your thoughts about my article.
Suggestions and recommendations are also accepted. By at No comments:. Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom. Popular Coupons. Introduction II. Welcome to the Priesthood I I bought ingredients to make Halloween candy for you. I'm so angry I can't stand it!!! Teach them my anger and hard time! Instead, I'll give you jelly and gifts as sweet as candy! Every weekend in October. Total 3. Just play and you'll be eligible for this event automatically!
The draw will be randomly selected by GM after collecting play history. Select a profile 3. Launch the game 4. Open another DNBot 5. Select a different profile 6. Launch the game 7. Repeat for as many clients as you would like to open If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to post on our forums!
Do not make it "test" or use the same profile for all accounts you bot with. Your profile name is used in a feature that stops you from getting banned. Botting on two characters at once in the same party may result in a crash. This will not be fixed until the release of the VIP version because I am not supporting party mode at this time.