Should i buy karthus lol

Ive seen karthus before and was wondering if he can ADC? Playing him as an ADC in this season is actually viable. The only difficult part of it is that his early levels until lv are a bit harsh by being squishy. This means that you are getting your Requiem later, meaning that you could have helped your team in an earlier situation.

But on the other hand, Karthus really excels when he has a support that can CC the enemy team like a Thresh or Nautilus because that is his only shortcoming: stuns. When engaging the enemy ADC or support, it results almost every time in a double kill. These are my experiences of having him played a few times as an ADC. I still favor him mid lane over bot lane, but it is alright. I see that Karthus is just so good bec.

So can you create a guide or just reply to this comment about your tips and tricks in playing him as a support? Can't really find a Karthus supp. Only If you can. It's too difficult for him to play as a support role pre lvl 6 since your so squishy vs ad's. This will give your opponent a greater chance to dominate you in-lane. So preferably play Karthus outside of the support role :P.

Because there isn't really another rune page that's good on him imo :. What about Predator? I enjoy it quite a bit, and the move speed is nice to make up for your lack of mobility. It depends on your playstyle. Personally I don't mind the lack of mobility on Karthus.

And having more damage is a good thing but again, it's your pref. So which combination of pages you think is optimal for Karthus?? My guess is one that gives him as much mobility as possible and makes him a threat late game cause he's weak af early. What do you think?? Am tempted to run Comet on him as it deals more damage but it can be avoided so Aery will do ah guess The combination of those two are real mad. I like to make gambles and that way I profit more.

Not sure about Scorch as Karthus ain't an early game champion, thus G-Storm is better as long as i can stall against opponents that can one-shot me a list that's long af. Don't think it helps so M-Band is better ah guess. As for Aery, yeah it can't be dodged but still ah think Comet helps more. At lower elos silver-gold , would it ever make sense to build rod of ages? That's a good question. It makes you way stronger.

The way I play Karthus is pretty simple. Bonus damage will be implied from Abyssal. If you get them in a narrow position e. And as you know, dying on Karthus isn't such a big deal. Abyssal Mask aura only has a range, it was changed from range in 8. Mask on mages like Karthus is outdated. When the enemy team kills Karthus they just walk away, why would they stay in a range of you?

High dmg, good escape and engage. Though if she gets ahead, play super safe. Exhaust helps a ton here. She has decent poke and decent dmg.

Though one good W and she is forced to take a good chunk of dmg. High dmg, that's it. While in theory this guy would be hard to deal with, he has mana problems so cant poke you well enough. Even when he does an all in with ult as long as it is not under his tower, you will likely be close enough to q and out damage him. The same deal as all immobile mages, dodge the cc, punish, though her invisibility can be annoying, it is often not good enough to dodge all your damage.

A good Ori can be annoying but even then the most they can do is poke if you position right. If you land a good W she is forced to take the damage and will often have trouble trading back. He is fast and his ult is kinda a nuisance.

Other than that he has one damage ability that can be played around with good positioning. You will find it hard to kill him if they know what they are doing but then you just scale. She had a great shield movement, cc and healing. While she probably will not kill you in lane she can poke you out and make late game hard. Take TP and hope. Just kinda a pain to play against. Can be annoying if they are good but the lane just ends up being a farm lane. If that ends up happening then you almost always come out on top with ult.

Same a Heimerdinger, get tear, farm. She does a bit more damage and can poke better but still not too much of a threat. Annoying with her black shield and good cc. Just look for ults and dodge the bind. Without hitting cc her poke is bad. Strong cc sustain and poke. Post 6 you most likely lose the 1v1 unless he missed everything. Attempt to bait out ult and back off. Exhaust or TP can help here.

High dmg and that's all. If you can play around cage without getting stunned even when inside it then this match up is easy. Just keep throwing q's at him from inside the cage he will be focusing on hitting you, not the q's, making it easy to hit. A W will force out his cage easy. Watch for ganks as Veigar makes ganks on you easy.

He can be annoying if they are good with phase rush, but as long as you Q them on their approach then you are good and should out dmg them or force them away. CC, sustain, enough dmg to kill after 6. The only upside is that he is easy to poke and if you can force him off minions then he losses his sustain and you win the lane.

After 6 he can almost one shot you so watch out if the lane is even or worse. You can push just as hard, you do more poke, as long as you have E on his ult is useless, you get free mana from his minions. The only threat is he is an easy lane to gank post 6.

Good mobility for trading and high dmg. He can engage on you when you try to poke and keep on you. Often gets life steal early as well.

All of this makes him a real pain to deal with. Play safe and wait for team fights where you outperform him. Just worse Vel and Xerath, he has a harder time keeping you away as he escape is not good enough most of the time. A good Ziggs can make it feel bad but at least its not a good Xerath.

Keep away from roams as he can decimate your tower. He has more dmg than most immobile mages but no shield or movement so if he hits you it hurts but it you hit them its hurts more. Just engage with W as always. High mobility, decent cc, good sustain, good engage, decent roams, good dmg. Try to poke as much as possible before the engage then you might be able to kill her.

Other wise never fight an even battle, take exhaust. Okay poke, decent engage. Just poke her and then when she used her escape you have a chance to kill. If you poke well enough you can prevent any engages and get a kill off of their misplay. Its like talon but not as bad, kinda. He has cc and a spell shield but less poke and burst.

His roams only happen at 6 and if you play far enough back he cant kill you without ult. Force him to chose roam or lane kills and let the team know when he is missing fast. Barrier and exhaust give you chances to kill him. It better be a duo for this to work at all but it can work if done really well. Gives you an out. His ult can help you get into positions that you need to get to.

Also gives you some form of cc you can control. Join or Log In. Join the leading League of Legends community. Create and share Champion Guides and Builds.

Login Social Login. Create Account Social Register. Vote Vote. Karthus Build Guide by Hullos 2. Guide Discussion 7 More Karthus Guides. Did this guide help you? If so please give them a vote or leave a comment. You can even win prizes by doing so! I liked this Guide. I didn't like this Guide. Vote Comment. Comment Would you like to add a comment to your vote? Thank You! Runes: Dark harvest 1 2. Spells: 1 2 3 4. Mid 1. Mid 2. ADC Flash. Ranked 50 in Jungle Role. Items Starting Item Options.

First Back Options. First Item Options. Liandry's Anguish Luden's Tempest. After First Item Options. No tear Anguish - Optimal. Lay Waste Q Q. Wall of Pain W W. Defile E E. Requiem R R. Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny. Show All. None Low Ok Strong Ideal. Extreme Threats. Ideal Synergies. Ideal Strong Ok Low None. Karthus counters well. Karthus gets countered. I play Karthus, a lot of Karthus. I may not be any challenger mid player, I got diamond for a while with Karthus and I was diamond last season but decayed after playing Valorant for 2 months and ended in plat one.

I have 2. I may not be able to tell you how to get to challenger, but I might be able to tell you how to build and play Karthus. Regarding Most Recent Buffs and item Changes. But honestly the nerf is barely noticeable, only lowering early mana refund on Defile will do next to nothing.

So this will be completely based of of reading the item and no testing. Crown of the Shattered Queen I think the item is good, just not on karthus. The main issue I think will arise is that it provides not enough dmg. While the extra ap when shielded is nice, its unreliable and compared to the passive of Everfrost , of which we also don't run, it is worse. Shadowflame We finally get an anti-shield item, but honestly I don't think its really that much better against shields.

What I do care about is that it is another flat pen item that can be built with the Luden's Tempest build. Offering at least 10 flat pen , but more often than not, more. Into a squishy team, this could be a decent option. But one thing could be an issue The hp is a nice boost but void staff will outperform the magic pen in basically every state of the game. This also give a real nice chunk of ap. But with the price tag more than the new void I honestly have no idea. Cosmic Drive Low dmg, but if karthus can somehow proc the passive reliably, then maybe this could be somewhat okay.

Maybe if its cheap as well with karthus want this but I think its unlikely. Horizon Focus I'm not sure of this one yet, I really cant know how good this is until I test it. I'm really unsure on this item at the moment. Demonic Embrace Still a good item but the change does next to nothing for karthus. It is definitely an improvement but I cant say if its amazing yet.

The new healing seems like it can be quite a good amount as it also triggers constantly with toggles like Defile.

But also offer a decent amount of ap with a new ability haste equal to 1. All of this with the bunch of mana it already gives. It seems promising. But without testing I have no idea if the healing is actually any good, or if the item takes to long to get or stack. Though, this might bring Night Harvester another chance and being built.

First Strike uhhhhhhhhhhhh But its also in a bad tree for karthus. Pros and Cons and Quick Tips. People may try to tell you what build is the only good one but they are almost always wrong. There can be a build you feel most comfortable with and that is fine, but all builds have their uses in certain situations.

Karthus is deceptively versatile in builds. I encourage you to play and try different builds. Some of them will surprise you at how well they work. Your play style will change based on build and lane match up. To play Karthus effectively you will have to learn new play styles e. Often you will be switching mid game depending on items, levels, and how strong you are. All to make sure you don't lose a lead by not adjusting play styles.

This will also apply to builds as you might have to shift what you are building to go into a fast Zhonya's Hourglass or Void Staff. Karthus is not always a "just press R champ" there will be games where your Requiem will be almost useless and you will have to play well with Lay Waste and positioning. Same goes with "abusing passive", don't go flashing in every fight. In reality there are few times where you will need to do that. One of the most important tips is that just starting out, you may feel useless outside of pressing Requiem and Death Defied.

A lot of the skills you need for playing lane Karthus are gotten from playing him. I cant tell you how to hit Lay Waste s, you learn by playing. Once you start to get good you can start to duel any lane opponent much easier. Also something important is that different people will find different match ups hard, I find Malzahar to be super easy but you may find it hard. My match up list is not the be all end all. Also depending on rank the match-ups can change considerably.

Summoner Spells. As a basic rule I like to follow that works most games is if the lane opponent lacks a good way to escape a trade or all in than this is most likely the better option. This also, opposed to barrier, does offer some kill potential. As opposed to exhaust, this is for opponents that can get out of a trade for free such as Yone.

While it does not offer kill potential it does serve as great bait when you are low and the opponents forgets you have it. Though if you have a duo and want to be aggressive Exhaust can also be good. While not great it can be taken mid though I almost never have found that useful over say Exhaust.

BAD This is almost never taken unless you feel like going absolutely crazy on your lane opponent. The problem with Ignite is that if you are close enough to use it the Opponent is almost certainly already on top of you and in that case you want exhaust or barrier.

Also, in late game, you are almost always in the back line and will find it even harder to use. Runes and other Options. This is the rune page most player go with and for good reason. While not as good in lane as Summon Aery , partially because of the 0 base healing on rav hunter, this rune does make it so you will almost for sure do dmg no matter how much you int, as long as you get the DH stacks.

Any enemy units that walk through the screen have their Movement Speed and Magic Resist reduced for a period. Karthus passively steals energy from his victims, gaining Mana on each kill. Alternatively, Karthus can surround himself in the souls of his prey, dealing damage to nearby enemies, but quickly draining his own Mana. After channeling for 3 seconds, Karthus deals damage to all enemy champions. Champion Mastery OP.

GG probuilds.


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