Can you be popular without being a cheerleader

You can always get involved with the cheer squad in some other way. You can volunteer to help out with coaching, for example, or for a position like team manager. It depends on your effort. Hold your stretches for 30 seconds each. Not Helpful 7 Helpful There is no set size for cheerleaders. As long as you work on your strength, endurance, and flexibility, you should have what it takes to cheer. Not Helpful 23 Helpful Practice each day. Make time in your schedule to practice and work on memorizing one small chunk of a cheer at a time.

Not Helpful 22 Helpful Practice hard and go into the audition with high energy and positivity. This will make you look like cheer material. Not Helpful 4 Helpful Luckily for you, it doesn't matter what size or gender you are when it comes to cheerleading. If you're really interested in becoming a cheerleader, then go ahead! If you don't make the squad, you can always ask the coach for advice on what to improve and how.

Not Helpful 49 Helpful Do I need to know how to do the split and how to touch my toes to become a cheerleader? It depends on the cheer squad. On some squads, cheers may involve touching your toes and doing the splits. Go to a few games and see what is required. However, if you're interested in cheer camp, this can be a fun way to improve your skills and make new friends. As many times as it takes to get it down perfect, there is no particular "right number" of times you can do this, it's about your own state of readiness, not quantities.

Practice when you have the time and the motivation. Practice more in the lead up to a competition or performance. And if you must have a number, practice no less than four times a week. Not Helpful 29 Helpful It depends on the school. If you do know how to tumble, you are more likely to make the team. It is always better to tryout with at least a cartwheel then nothing. You can make up for your lack of tumbling experience by being confident and knowing what you are doing.

You can begin to train to be a cheerleader as soon as you can walk. However, wait until your body is a little more developed. Cheer, with the stunting and tumbling involved, wreaks havoc on your body and can result in many joint problems.

Not Helpful 28 Helpful Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. If you mess up, don't let it show, especially during a competition. Many times judges won't actually notice the mistake unless you show it on your face. Whatever you do, keep smiling! Helpful 6 Not Helpful 0. If you make a mistake during try outs, just flash the crowd a big smile and pretend that was what was supposed to happen.

Don't get angry or look confused; just keep going. Always have a positive attitude! Be open to learning new skills and have a good relationship with cheerleaders and the coach! Helpful 5 Not Helpful 0. Have confidence and do your best. Always smile. Never cross your arms or it will look like you have an attitude, instead put your hands behind your back. Always try and make new friends and be 20 min early. You don't need to do everything! If you can't do a back bend, don't get frustrated.

You will learn to do all the moves over time. Before you try out for the cheer squad, think about why exactly you want to do cheerleading. Cheerleading is not about the short skirts. It is not about being popular or getting attention. Cheerleading is a serious sport that takes blood,sweat, and tears, but you'll excel at it. Helpful 5 Not Helpful 1. Submit a Tip All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published.

Wear no jewelry, loose clothes, or bagging clothes. Wear something that won't fly around while you're tumbling. Helpful 93 Not Helpful 7. Related wikiHows How to. How to. More References 2. About This Article. Co-authored by:. Co-authors: Updated: October 2, Categories: Cheerleading. Article Summary X Before trying out to become a cheerleader, try attending some of your school games so you can study the cheerleaders' moves and cheers.

In other languages Italiano: Diventare Cheerleader. Deutsch: Ein Cheerleader sein. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read , times. I also have a lot more people crowding me at school and asking me to perform things, which is totally awesome. Thank you so much for helping me. More reader stories Hide reader stories. Did this article help you? Cookies make wikiHow better. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy.

Natasha Foster Jul 31, Deanna Tutstone Feb 27, I followed all the advice, and it totally worked. Thanks a lot wikiHow! Karen Nivelo May 26, Rated this article:. So, you may know that song from Bring It On , and yep, they ' re cheerleaders. Cheerleaders have always been glamorized as the pretty, popular girls in high school, who have tons of friends, get invited to parties and have boyfriends, thanks to the movie mentioned above.

And for me, it was for this very reason that I joined cheerleading… to be popular. Now, before you judge me, let me tell you a little bit of my backstory: I went to an extremely small private school from kindergarten through 8th grade and wore a strict uniform every single day. There were like 40 kids in my entire graduating 8th grade class, so everybody knew everybody and if you ' ve read any of my stories here on Sweety High you know that I was picked on throughout school.

Kids were so mean to me—I was a bit chubby, had big ol ' glasses, and was an all around nerd. But by the 8th grade, I shed more than just my baby weight and really started to blossom, and the cuter I got, the meaner my 8th grade classmates got because you know, pre-teen girls can be jealous and cruel.

I was a figure skater and dancer growing up, and I was good! And I knew I wanted to do some sort of dance-related extracurricular in high school. However, I also desperately wanted a fighting chance to be " cool " and I was so sick of being made fun of that I would have done just about anything.

Everyone always talked about how cool and pretty and popular the cheerleaders were ugh, clearly my priorities were wayyy off back then , so instead of doing the dance team—which was noticeably less cool than being a cheerleader—I decided to go for cheer.

Not only did I make the team, I became the captain! Wow, did I go from uncool to prom queen in like five seconds. For dessert, eat vanilla yogurt with peanut butter mixed in. Begin an exercise routine. You need to train for specific cheer moves like jumps , motions, and tumbling, and for overall endurance, strength, and flexibility. To train for jumps, you need to do at least 30 straddle leg lifts on each leg.

A straddle leg lift is when you sit in a straddle and lift up one leg at a time without letting it touch the floor. You also need to do 30 squat jumps, 15 hops on each foot, 30 toe raises, and 30 squats. Don't forget cheerleader crunches, which is where you lie on your back with your arms above your head and crunch up into a toe touch on the floor, do 15 of these. Also, doing 10 of each required jump is great!

For your motions, learn how to do bow and arrow, daggers, go or punch, hands on hips, left L, right L, left K, right K, left diagonal, right diagonal, T, broken T, high V, low V, touchdown, and low touchdown. Keep these motions stiff and tight. For tumbling, do 10 cartwheels, 10 round offs, and 10 handstands.

Make sure you keep your arms and legs straight and tight and your toes pointed. Imagine you are a board. For endurance, do cardio 4 days a week. Do a cardio workout routine video. For strength training, which should be done 3 days a week, do a workout video that focuses on strengthening your arms one day, your legs one day, and your abs another day.

For flexibility, do stretches twice a day. You need to have a good split. Train your voice. Practice speaking loud and clear. Make sure you don't sing your words and they are low pitched, loud, and clear. Practice a good voice everyday by doing breathing exercises, speaking loud, and making sure every word that you say isn't too quick, slow, or mumbled.

Know the requirements. You should be able to do a good toe touch, right herkie, and left herkie. You also need a solid cartwheel and round off. You need to have good motions, a split, and a strong voice.

Shine at the tryouts. You need to stand out at tryouts. If you can do a herkie, toe touch, split, cartwheel, and round off, you should be able to make it. During cheerleading tryouts, dress neatly in a school shirt, dance shorts, dance or cheer shoes, your hair in a high ponytail with a bow, your nails painted with a clear polish, clean makeup, and a tattoo on your cheek or hand.

For school shirts, make sure they are in your school colors and not a polo or collared shirt. Tie up the back if it is too long. Wear black dance shorts if you aren't super duper tan and pastel shorts if you are super duper tan. If you go with dance shoes, jazz are the best. For your hair, brush it into a ponytail that is behind your part and high. Wear a bow in either white or your school colors. Make sure your hair is straight.

For your nails, take off any nail polish and cut them so they are kind of short, but not too short. Round them off and paint with either a clear or clear with glitter nail polish. You can do some sparkly rhinestone nail art to one nail if you want. You should do your makeup simply and flawlessly. Apply a tinted moisturizer, skin colored eyeshadow, light bronzer, and lip gloss. For your tattoo, make it have to do with your mascot, for example a paw print, animal, or school initials.

Do your cheer with gusto. Make it loud, snappy, and sharp. On the first day of tryouts, they will have you perform a cheer, a toe touch and optional tumbling. Make sure you bring your legs up high in the toe touch and your back straight. For tumbling, do your cartwheel, round off, and handstand.

Give girls advice if they ask about your moves. On the second day, add some glitter to your lips and eyes, but not too much. You will perform a toe touch, herkie, split, cartwheel, round off, handstand, and cheer. You will do similar things to yesterday, but you have to be even better than before. Show off your oversplit if you are there.

Celebrate when you make the team. Don't slack off of your diet, endurance, strength, and stretching routines. You don't have to do the other stuff because you will be doing it at practice.

Don't stuff your head with ideas about cheerleaders and think you are better than the others. Make sure you are an awesome cheerleader and bring it! You can wear tank tops to practice if you want. Don't give up if you don't make the team. You can try out for an All Star team if you want or you can keep training on your own for the next year. Try to fit the cheerleading stereotype if you think that you were good enough but didn't look like a cheerleader or stand out.


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