A gentlemans dignity who is the father

Serves him right, for making YS cry again and feeling dumb for loving DJ and going the distance in expressing her love. In the end, however, all was well in their world. I do like TS, and I want to believe in him, and so I thought that he had changed, for the better.

I am not saying that he would fight for MAR because unfortunately, she keeps giving him ammunitions to hang her and not trust her. At this point, I care more about Yoon, who really deserves to be happy. And I know that in spite of all the crying fest she has had in front of him, he really loves her, so I am willing to let him have what he wants, because he is a great guy. Even JR said so to TS, who could not disagree.

I did feel for MAR a little bit however, because this time she was not going to see Yoon anymore and I could understand that her heart was breaking.

And I was glad to see that it was hurting TS as well to send his sister away. TS and MAR love each other, in spite of their unhealthy relationship that both have created. I felt bad for Yoon who tried to hold it in when he met with MAR, but broke down once he was in his room. That man knows how to cry. I thought it was interesting when at the end of the Dr. That said a lot, and that was sad. It makes me wonder why JR is not more open with his feelings about his wife, because I do think that he loves her: is he afraid of commitment?

One can tell that they do care about each other however, and I love their tentative attempts at building a relationship. I wish we could see more of that as well. As Orangy said, finally, after 17 episodes, some movement forward.

I guess patience does pay, after all. I am looking forward to the repercussions of what happened at the end of episode All in all, I loved the lovey dovey scenes and that the couples seem to be moving in the right direction. I have two questions: 1—How old is MS: if JR is 41 and she is older than him they make it sound like she is way older than him can she still have children meaning, would it be safe for her to have them at this point in her life?

MAR and MS did that in this episode, and yet we know that they have been craving, yearning to be held by their romantic interests. I am really curious about that. I don't get the hug thing either. I mean I would instinctually hug back or push away, but not let my arms hangs limply at the side. I also notice most kdrama hugs including patting the back, but not rubbing the back.

Yeah, they rub the tummy personal taste is someone is sick, but they don't rub the back, true. If she didn't, then it's different. This has bothered me for years. Do Korean woman hang back like that in real life. I would love to hear from a Korean about the "one sided hug. I am personally wondering if this is not a cliche and a staple of Kdramas. I would like to hear from a S. Korean as well or someone who knows a lot about their behavior and culture. I know they are more reserved and conservative in public, so I am not really sure Does anyone understand?

I sure don't. I find Meahri disturbingly spoiled, obsessed, and immature, DoJin has and will always be a first-class self-absorbed jerk, and Yi-Soo is strangely repressed in terms of her ability to share emotions, thoughts, and physical intimacy.

Usually when you have a character with some obvious faults, the writer uses these faults as conflict fodder in the story, and exploration and resolution of these faults, in some manner, is integral to the story arc.

Not so here - plot develops almost in spite of people's faults. For example, lots of fuss is made over the age gap and how inappropriate Yoon is for Me Ahri, and Yoon and her brother talk a good game about her needing to grow up, but in the end Yoon just takes her and says he'll be responsible for her - the transfer of a child from one caretaker to another.

Her faults are just ignored in terms of the plot. We don't see much progress with the other characters, either - is that the point of this drama, that people can't or won't change and we just have to accept them as they are, even if it means we go on supposedly cute drunken rages, or get divorced? I just don't get what this writer is trying to say.

I'm with ya. What a crying shame. These characters are sooo cartoonish it's unbelievable she wrote City Hall where her characters there were so rich and layered. This series is seriously overrated. This is the same writer as City Hall? I thought KSA's character was very cartoonish in the beginning of that, too. I personally like a drama where we can get a wealth of information just from one subtle look or action.

I think sometimes often? It's frustrating that the really good mature dramas, like a Wife's Credentials, never get subbed. Yes, KSA did have a cartoonish feel to her character in the first 3 or 4 episodes. But there is development after that so that bodes well with me. There was this scene when she acted out her embarrassment at being busted by Do Jin in expressing her love, I was thisclose to smashing my head through the desk.

I've watched A Wife's Credentials all the way through and can tell you that you are definitely not missing much! I appreciate your comments and I wanted to say that I didn't mean to insult the writer and I hope it didn't come out that way , but I really truly do not understand her here. I have never seen her works to the end I have seen a few episodes of Sega, still have to watch the whole thing.

What is going on here? Does she think very little of women in general or is this the kind of scenario the audience likes in South Korea? What were her messages, with this drama? What does she want us to take from it? I feel really bad for the younger actors and actresses who had the privilege of working with veterans they could learn from and this was their opportunity to be stretched and challenged.

I can't help but think that they were wasted, to some extent. What happened to Dong Hyub sp? I personally like it better when things are spelled out for me because I usually don't get it or I misread it, so I would rather be sure, even though I do appreciate and welcome some info given through body language and behavior. And yeah, this :- for good dramas that don't get subbed or at least in a timely fashion like "The Chaser" as well. Have you noticed that those tend to have older actors in them?

No idols and usually not the pretty and popular younger actors and actresses in them, at least not as leads. Maybe that's why they don't get subbed.

There might not be a wide enough audience they think to justify their time and effort? They are doing it for free subbing , so Re: Wife's credentials, they're subbing them at dramatic dramatic.

They've released until episode 3, but I believe they'll finish the series, since they're huge fans of that drama. Why can't they kiss, why cant they hug. I like the actorr he is so hawt why can't he do X to the girl.

Why don't you write a story in any form then. That way you can have just the type of one dimensional character that you love. But, merely imposing personal preference as critique just doesn;t fly. I am not sure if you have read any of my posts on this blog including this one , and if you have, I don't get the feeling that you have read them or this one carefully.

I wouldn't call what we are doing nagging. I would say that we are complaining, we gripping, yes, but I wouldn't call it nagging. It is my understanding, having read many blogs for at least two years now about Korean and Asian dramas that those are the places where we can go to read recaps about Korean or Asian dramas, to get other perspectives from the recappers and the people commenting in the comment section and it is also the place where we can "rant" or "rave" about dramas, Asian celebrities, and other topics allowed on those blogs.

Did you read the line under the "reply" button? It says "Rant or Rave. To speak agressively about something, or to take your own tangent about a subject and talk for a long time in a passionate manner "To rave:" To speak or write with wild enthusiasm or extravagant enthusiasm : ex. Based on those definitions and example, this blog seems to be the right place to express our feelings about a drama, without being vulgar or plain nasty some words do get deleted or changed and nasty people are put back in their place by other commentators and sometimes by the recappers or the administrators of the site.

I do feel that what we are doing here is appropriate. When I personally watch a drama, I try to keep in mind the premise of the drama. I look forward to seeing how the writer, actors, actresses, director and the story will fulfill that premise and solve the issues addressed in the drama. When watching a drama, you DO want development, otherwise you would have watched 16, 20 or more hours of the same thing.

What would be gained by doing that? You haven't learned anything, you haven't been entertained not in my book , you have been challenged to think or consider something new or another aspect that watching a drama brings to different people.

In this case, Me Ahri has basically been the same since the beginning of the drama. Me Ahri the character and the actress playing her both have potential, so why are they not given a chance to develop and grow? Is that fair to them? Many of us here, and I would say even the recapper of this drama seem to agree on this point, so there must be something to it.

We can't all be wrong, I don't think not in this case. I don't think that I am writing about something I just me want to see, and even if I did, it would still be alright to do it here. I don't know if you have noticed and you should have if you have read dramas' recaps a few times , but recappers usually express their frustration, disappointment, enthusiasam, wishes, hopes, etc We, the commentators are not the only one to do it. I am actually more conservative when it comes to kissing in films and dramas, even in Kdramas.

We would like to see people hugging in Kdramas when we know that they like or love each other, as an expression of how much they care about each other. I don't think that is too much to ask. Your comments show me that you did not read my comments carefully, because you are not even addressing what I and other commentators talked about, so I won't spend any time on it.

We have already spelled out what we were gripping about. Actually, I was merely asking a question and seeing if other people had noticed what I had noticed as well, and apparently they had. You know, some of us do write stories, but we know that they won't be used in the drama we are watching, so we come here and again express how we are feeling about characters or the story line in a drama, or we analyze the episode we saw.

Some of us have questions that are linguistic or cultural, or we want to know the title of a song, etc So we also come here to get answers.

And I don't think that we want the characters to be one dimensional, I didn't get that impression from reading comments from the other commentators, I actually think that we want the opposite. Again, please read carefully.

This is the place where we come to partake or participate and share what a drama or an episode means to us. I can see why some comments can come across as being imposing of a view or a desire, but that is also what happens on blogs, when people share their opinions. Thank you for appreciating and understanding in depth character and story analysis. It seems like at least you DO get one thing out of our exchanges, otherwise you can always skip them Eva - I've seen subbed up to Eps.

I'm not familiar with dramatic. I am relieved that yoon admitted his feelings for meahri. ME TOO except Maybe it's just me but I don't care how much filler they give me of Yi-soo and Do-jin, they are just so cute! Although I do wonder what they can do for 3 more eps. I do agree that Jung-rok and Min-sook should get more scenes. I love how their relationship is developing. Loved the "badly played" comment, Orangey I thought at this crucial point in the relationship it was a risky and stupid move.

While happy to see Yoon finally admit his feelings, I have to say that I expected more from Me Arhi in terms of reaction to his confession. She's so over the top emotional at the drop of a dime, yet here she just kind of stood with her arms to her sides. I know she was probably shocked, but you'd think after finally getting what she wants she'd be a little more excited!

I, like you, am not too optimistic about any character development from her. Maybe she was too shocked to react then A whole lotta stepping up to the plate in this episode, which is nice. As long as the next three episode don't involve insane plot twists, or flying monkeys, I'm a happy camper.

My fav. I really wish that there will be more interactions between the two, and between Colin and Yi Soo. Hope that the writers will focus more on them. So awesome!

I'm not an avid listener of Kim Min Jong's music, but I recognized that song! The song's name is 'Beautiful Pain'. I listened to it the whole evening after watching this episode :. Thanks, I appreciate it! I didn't pay attention to the song, in that scene.

Get to hear KMJ sing, yay!!!! I do not understand. What the hell is going on with these women? It's bad enough that the teen - 24 year old acts like a baby, but grown woman YS crying like that makes me hate her even more if that is possible. These writers struggle to write a relatable woman, but they can do lots of cute boy men. Then see if they cry or not lol. Females being the gender in contrary to males that is more prone to crying and generally more "acceptable" or "common" is a myth or baseless stereotype I was actually so angry with the Yoon and MeAhri scene at the end of this episode that I haven't started episode 18 yet.

She hasn't done anything except cry and whine and then she gets rewarded with a cool kdrama rom-com airport scene where the swell guy tries to stop her from leaving. She has no life and no hopes and dreams besides getting together with Yoon. If Yoon dies 20 years from now, is she just going to commit suicide or wallow in her grief while their children look to Uncle Tae-san to make sure they get fed and clothed?

The unpaid credit card was the last straw. For reals, Meahri! I think if she was successful enough to buy her own apartment, she wouldn't have to be sent back to America by her big brother like some unwanted mail. She would have just stayed in her own apartment and tell Tae-san that she doesn't live under his roof so she doesn't have to abide by his rules. And I don't think she really understands how much Tae-san's friendship matter to Yoon.

He was there for Yoon and cried with him during the darkest of times. She wouldn't understand because throughout the series, we've seen that she has no friends. But yay for Do jin and Yi soo getting back together! Jung-rok and Min-sook's moments were lovely too. I hope Min-sook gets pregnant by the end of the series and Tae-san and Sera gets married. Wonder why? Is it because of her behavior, or because she doesn't want any?

Or maybe the writer doesn't care enough about her to give her friends And who says that whining, crying and generally being a spendthrift brat doesn't get you your man? It worked for Me Ahri. Nice message to send, Show. Yes, I am fairly angry about this as well. I don't get it at all. She basically cried and whined her way to a man I don't know any woman in real life who has been able to do that. No man can take that much crying. It's not attractive.

I agree. I got so annoyed with her repetitive crying. She doesn't deserve Yoon and I don't get what he saw in her. LOL, you guys are funny!!! Are you really watching this show because you think or hope that it mirrors real life? Do most Kdramas do and the characters in it? It doesn't have to mirror real life, but it should at least make sense. MeAhri's character is totally unrelateable.

Hi, I agree with you about Kdramas making sense and that MAR is not relatable, which is why I asked this question here:. And I don't know if you sensed it, but I was also being sarcastic. Should we make a list :-? I can understand if the character is being played for comedic value, to a point, like in Bridget Jones Diary. I thought it was funny in the beginning when YS accidentally sent a text to DJ and then freaked out about it.

Minsook gets word about the situation through her bartender spy who works under Rok. She gathers all of the women on the show and breaks the news.

Dojin is all moody and probably has a whole lot of mixed emotions going on. Father and son have a meal together. Dojin talks with Eun Hee and asks how all of this happened.

You just disappeared, and made your own choice. You made me into an idiot. Dojin tells Eun Hee to stay in Korea and tells her where Collin is. Mother and son meet, she is very pissed off. Collin speaks in fluent Japanese! Collin states that he knew it would be Dojin. Then, he asks her if she ever regret having him.

She states that she has once, right now. Dojin meets up with the rest of his crew. Dojin confirms that he is the father.

Dojin tells them that they should tell their lovers that he is the father. Yoon meets up with Meahri. Meahri jumps to conclusion and states that she will raise Collin. Rok tells Yoon, Meahri is like several winning lotto tickets. She suggests that Rok stays for dinner and can sleep over. Rok finds a car key at his home. He wonders what the car is, and goes down to the garage. He told her, "Listen carefully and I am sorry about what I am going to say.

Forget I asked you to live with me. Forget that I promised you happiness. I can't keep the promise that I won't break up with you before you do. Whenever she calls or texts, he must come. And then we see him watching her across the cross walk, him watching her reading in a bookstore, him watching her watch a movie…. Please make up your mind!

Exiting the movie, Yi Soo gets pushed by the crowd and Do Jin catches her but she brushes him off saying that he pushed her harder than that. Flashback to the scene when she finds him in his room with another woman earlier in the show and he explains, is his supposed to have a pure love? As Do Jin thinks back on all the things he said, he mentally apologizes for hurting her.

Se Ra sees and goes to confront Min Suk about the car. Min Suk tells her straight out that Tae San paid back her debt. Which really deflates her ego but of course not enough for her not to take it out on someone at least. Cut to Do Jin meeting with Eun Hee. They resolve their loose ends as Eun Hee prepares to return to Japan. Collin will be staying in Korea. She wants to be remembered as his first love and not a mother and Do Jin tells her not to worry about Collin and they part on good terms.

Geez, not this again. Do Jin tells her to eat slowly and she brushes him off saying he has no right to talk to her.

Yi Soo gets a phone call and she is visibly upset by it. She gets up to leave but Do Jin holds her back by the wrist and asks who it is. Does he want to come with and get tips? Wow, what an episode. Feel free to comment on your thoughts! You are commenting using your WordPress.

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