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Also, the intrusions have provided Pakistan control over substantial tracts of strategic acreage across the LoC, thereby allowing Islamabad to negotiate from a strong position. And they decisively alter the status of the LoC. Apart from keeping the plan top secret, the Pakistan Army also undertook certain steps to take care of a component of surprise and maximise deception. No new administrative bases for the intrusions were to be created, instead, they were to be catered for from those already within the existing defences.
Along the ridgelines, there were the logistic lines of communication and therefore the nullahs were far away from the tracks, positions of the Indian Army troops were already in position.
After the finalisation, the plan was put into action towards the end of April. The main groups were broken into a number of smaller subgroups of 30 to 40 each for carrying out multiple intrusions along the ridgelines and occupy dominating heights. The Pakistani army was hoping and trying to gain the upper hand in Kashmir and plunging the Indian subcontinent in brief and limited war and raising the spectre of nuclear war. The infiltration pattern clearly entrenched the participation of trained Mujahideen and Pakistani Army regulars in these operations in areas east of Batalik and north of Dras.
In general areas of Kargil and Dras, Pakistan resorted to artillery firing from across the border. Some operations were launched by the Indian army which succeeded in cutting off the infiltrators in the Drass sector. Also, the infiltrators were pushed back in the Batalik sector. On the heights, the intruders were both professional soldiers and mercenaries including the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 12th battalions of the Pakistan Army's Northern Light Infantry NLI.
Initially, it was estimated that there were about to intruders were there occupying the heights but later it was estimated that the actual strength may have been around The intrusion area extended in an area of Km. In fact, the Army of Pakistan had set up a complex logistical network so that the intruders across the LoC would be well supplied from the bases in POK. Intruders were well armed with AK 47 and 56 mortars, artillery, anti-aircraft guns, and Stinger missiles. What are the new pension rules for Armed Forces Personnel in India?
Now, let us have a look at the Indian Army Operations. The intrusions were detected by the Indian Army between 3 May May. And from 15 May May, , military operations were planned, to their attack locations troops moved, artillery and other equipment were also moved in and the equipment that was necessary is purchased also.
Now, the Indian troops moved towards the occupied Pakistani positions with air cover provided by aircraft and helicopters. Soon it became clear that only massive and sustain firepower could destroy the intruders' sangars. Therefore, a unique saga in the history of the employment of Artillery firepower in battle began. On 13 June, , the first major ridgeline to fall was Tololing in the Drass sub-sector which was captured after several weeks of fighting.
The attacks were lead up to sustained fire assaults from over one hundred Artillery guns, mortars, and rocket launchers. Thousands of shells, bombs, and rocket warheads wreaked havoc and prevented the enemy from interfering with the assault.
In the direct firing were the mm Bofors medium guns and mm Indian field guns that destroyed all visible enemy sangars and forced them to abandon various positions. Tololing complex capture paved the way for successive assaults to be launched on the Tiger Hill complex from various directions. On July, , Tiger Hill was re-captured and Point Point was re-named as "Gun Hill" in honour of the astounding performance of the Gunners in the Drass and Mashkoh sub-sectors. Do you know around 12, rounds of high explosives rained down on Tiger Hill and caused large scale devastation and death?
The terrain in the Batalik Sector was much tougher and the enemy was far more strongly entrenched. Almost a month was taken by the containment battle. Artillery observation posts OPs were instituted on dominating heights and sustained Artillery fire was brought down on the enemy continuously by day and night allowing them no rest.
On 21 June, , point was recaptured and on 6 July, , Khalubar was also recaptured. Within the next few weeks, further attacks were pressed against the remaining Pakistani posts in the Batalik sub-sector. Once again, Artillery played a crucial role in destroying the enemy's battalion and logistics infrastructure. It is said that during the Kargil conflict the Indian Artillery fired over , shells, bombs, and rockets?
Daily from guns mortars and MBRLs approximately 5, Artillery shells, mortar bombs, and rockets were fired. It is also said that such type of high rates of fire over long periods had not been witnessed anywhere in the world since the Second World War. Ground troops were supported by the Air Force from 11 May to 25 May and tried to contain the threat, judge the positions of the enemy dispositions, and carried out several preparatory actions.
On 26 May, the entry of the Air Force into combat action represented an exemplar shift in the nature and prognosis of the conflict. Do you know that in Air Force Operation Safed Sagar , Air Force carried out about sorties of all types over odd days of operations? During Trishul, the Indian Air Force flew 5, sorties with aircraft using around 35, personnel and engaged targets at high elevations in the Himalayas.
It was claimed by IAF that they have flown around sorties in Kargil, though just about 80 were on or close to the target. The threat of shoulder-fired missiles was ubiquitous and there was no doubt about this. Operation, second and third day, the IAF lost one MiG fighter and one Mi helicopter to shoulder-fired missiles by the enemy. Also, one MiG was lost on the second day due to engine failure just after the pilot had carried out successful attacks on one of the enemy's supply dumps.
The cause of the war was the infiltration of Pakistani soldiers and Kashmiri militants into positions on the Indian side of the Line of Control, which serves as the de facto border between the two nations. Pakistan blamed the fighting entirely on independent Kashmiri insurgents; however, documents left behind by casualties and later statements by Pakistan's Prime Minister and Chief of Army Staff showed involvement of Pakistani paramilitary forces.
The Indian Army, supported by the air force, attacked the Pakistani positions and, with international diplomatic support, eventually forced a Pakistani withdrawal across the Line of Control LoC. The war is one of the most recent examples of high altitude warfare in mountainous terrain, and posed significant logistical problems for the combating sides. This was the first ground war between the two countries after they had developed nuclear weapons.