Where to find speed evs

Okay, so we now know the formula involved and the various multipliers you can add on to the process. What's the fastest way to max EVs then?

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What is the best way to EV train? Why is EV training so hard? Can you EV train in fire red? Which is the best EV in Pokemon sword and shield? However, I didn't go in depth into it, since I wanted to make a guide on how to train them as I train one of my pokemon so you can see the progress and the ways we can use it.

You can check the theory there, but I will copy the basic definitions we need to understand here. EVs or Effort Values are the blue numbers in any pokemon you see. These values can be modified, increased, reset, reduced, fixed, changed They work as a modifier for all of your pokemon in order to improve them as much as you want.

You gain EVs for defeating wild pokemon, trainer pokemon, using proteins or vitamins in your pokemons. Every 4 EV in one stat, your stat will get increased by 1 at level You can have a max of EV between all stats of your pokemon. In a single stat, the maximum amount of EV you can allocate is Thus, at level , if you allocate EV in that stat, it will increase by You can decide how to change these whenever you want. You can modify them as you wish by using EV Reducing berries.

These are:. Qualot Berry, which will reduce your Defense EV by Kelpsy Berry, which will reduce your Atk EV by Grepa Berry, which will reduce your Spdef EV by Hondew Berry, which will reduce your Spatk EV by Tamato Berry, which will reduce your Speed EV by All wild Pokemon, once defeated, will grant you 1, 2 or 3 EV in one stat.

Some grant 1 EV in 1 stat and another one in another. There are really weird combinations. They always give an EV of their highest overall Base Stat. Evolved forms usually give more EVs than unevolved forms. If you hold a Macho Brace, the EVs you gain will be doubled. If the EV in one stat is 99 or below, you can use a vitamin to increase that stat's EVs by However, if you try to use a vitamin once that stat's EV are atleast , or the Pokemon already has the maximum amount of EVs , you will not be able to.

They can be purchased in department stores. These vitamins are:. Protein, which will increase your Atk EV by Iron, which will increase your Def EV by Zinc, which will increase your Spdef EV by Calcium, which will increase your Spatk EV by Carbos, which will increase your Speed EV by First of all, we have to find a suitable pokemon to EV train. My personal recommendation is that you do not EV train anything that cannot be used in Bosses, low rating PVP friendly pvp with friends, basically , or serious ranked PVP.

Do not waste time, resources or money into training something that you will literally never use again, because it will mentally burn you out. For this guide, I'll train a pokemon that I believe is useless unless you equip it with a certain item. Pikachu with the Light Ball.

This is one of the Pikachus I hunted for a newbie who lost his, so I decided to use it as an example. As you can see, this Pikachu has some decent Spatk, Speed and a good nature.

Its ability might not be the best, but I wanted to train this little guy for fun and he has good enough stats to be trained. We want to level our pokemon first from a low level to atleast to do the EV training properly. On that note, most ocean Routes make great places to EV train Special Defense because you will normally only find Tentacool or Tentacruel.

If you are not able to surf yet, you can also go to Route 12 and 13 and fight the Venonat. Tentacool will give you 1 EV, while Tentacruel and Mantine will both give you 2. I would suggest surfing right next to the Olivine Pokecenter at the very beginning, or the Cianwood Pokecenter at the very end, but if you get bored you could go back and forth between the two. Just be sure to watch out for the trainers!

The encounter rate here is medium, but not so excruciating that you will find yourself counting the steps between each encounter. Once again, Tentacool will be your best friend. The water has very common Tentacool and there is a Pokecenter steps away. Route is also a nice spot since you can just heal at Oldale Town due south. Mosdeep, Dewford, and Lilycove all have Tentacool just out on their shores as well.

You could also travel to Valley Windworks, Fuego Ironworks, or Iron Island for the same effect without the heal spot close by. Encase you haven't noticed, you can pretty much just surf anywhere in the Pokemon World and will run into Tentacool or Tentacruel.

If you can surf, you can easily EV train Special Defense. One word: Zubat! Moon is a great place to EV train Speed because you will find nothing but Zubat every 2 steps. As annoying as Zubat are, their commonness will make EV training super-fast. Moon is; the Diglett are super common almost to a fault.

The Power Plant on Route 10 is also an acceptable place to train. With the new 1. As a result, Johto has lost its honor of having the easiest place to EV train for Speed. The pond right next to the entrance of Mt. Silver, however, has an abundance of Poliwag and Poliwhirl. However these Pokemon are fairly high leveled and I don't recommend EV training here until you can easily take them out int one hit by them you should be done with EV training anyways.

If you want to look for Gyarados or Horsea while you are training, these can be decent locations, but if not you will be better off EV training at one of the Poliwag ponds.

The Poliwag ponds are closer to Pokecenter, so you save a lot of time walking back and forth. They also have more common encounter rates. See the Defense section for more details. If you want to raise Attack and Speed EVs at the same time, go to the ice path. Swinub will raise Attack, while everything else except Jynx will raise Speed, and you will only have to run away from the rare Jynx or just catch it. See the Special Attack section for more details. Route also works as you will run into the same Pokemon as above but with the added bonus of finding Linoon and Manetric who give 2 Speed EVs!

In my opinion, Meteor Falls comes in again as an extremely useful place to EV train. For some reason, you'll find nothing but Golbat in the water and they give 2 Speed EVs. This makes training super easy as long as you are not training a grass type they like to use Wing Attack and Poison Sting a lot.

The levels vary from 32 all the way down to I'm not sure why but I won't complain. Route is an easy place to get to and has Starly who will give you 1 EV point. Trophy Garden on the other hand provides a lot of Pokemon for EV training. The garden is found inside of Mr. Backlots Mansion right under Hearthome City.

Roselia is also found here so this place is perfect for EV training special sweepers. The downside is that you have to walk through the Mansion, through Mr. Backlots's annoyingly long front lawn, and into Hearthome to heal. Veekun IV calculator. An online counter for keeping track of your EVs. This method will be difficult if you are EV training on Pokemon that give 2 separate EVs in different stats. A downloadable EV counter. Much like the link above but is specifically for Pokemon.


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