Where can i buy talismans in jade dynasty

Guest Guest. Re: Refining or your way to drive you mad! So much to read and im so lazy T. T But i was just wondering.. Im trying to refine my Deity head.. Does binding the gear decrease the Successs Rate or smt.? Like Dislike. Refining in Jade Dynasty is a pain. I don't really even try Serenity Jades anymore, cos' it just keeps failing, causing a large gold sink. Grind, buy Sigils or something, I don't know.

There are tons of quests here you can try to do but many quests will be for higher levels or require items from the cash shop. It may feel when first seeing this city that the game requires a lot of real money to play but once you leave this city and get to the next you won't really see these quests around anywhere else. Just quest around a bit keep trying to do mandatories until you reach level 9. At Level 9, you can do a craftsman's quest which will allow you to make your own gear.

The quest requires a meager 5 copper blocks which by this time I had already aquired and was saving for unknown reasons. It said crafting material, I ain't going to just vend it. However if you don't have enough they drop off everything that has it's name written in white, pink or red.

Things with names that are green or grey have an extremely low drop rate and give less experience. Complete the quest and now you can craft by pressing the "O" button. You can get recipes and supplemental crafting mats from the Craftsman, the rest will have to be collected from monsters or players. At maximum use 9 skill points in the initiate tree, otherwise these points will be wasted because they can actually be used in higher trees if saved up!

Other types of quests. There are tons of quests and they all have a different use. Romance quests are aquired from getting tonni tokens from Tonni next to Tanis Ka, then a male invites a female to his group and talks to the Elder Matchmaker. I generally do most of these. Voyage quests are about going places and usually some jumping which will require some skill to know how to get around town and make the jumps to the spots.

These get easier as you get speed increasing abilities like charge, or a skysword. Classic quests are completely random as far as difficulty, most quests available to you are level based but a lot of classics aren't well positioned, I'm not sure why they are classic, mayhaps it has something o do with the novel but as of right now I don't know.

Allright do these basic quests, or if you find it hard to find them now, look for the Dispatcher. He has repeatable "Trial quests" which generally involve killing a set amount of a monster, then go talk to someone, which helps earn enough experience to hopefully get to level Level 15, just about the end of the beginner's section. Once you reach level 15 and have done most of your mandatory quests you should get a choosing your faction quest.

This will determine which "faction" also known as a class in common gaming language and will determine all your future skills and gear selection. Each class has a specific trial which you will have to overcome. Mage, Warrior, etc. We'll start with a small overview of each class which will include it's trial quest which is needed to become said class. However this doesn't make them knight or warriors at all, in fact they are probably the most offensive magic class in the game or at least on par with modo.

So they are more like a blade mage. They have low health and are a apparently a tough starter class especially since you want to save all the skill points for the bigger badder aoes and get the small passive skills from the lower tiers.

This makes levelling a Jadeon difficult for a while but since you can auto-grind the lower levels and aoe is very nice higher levels Jadeon will eventually be one of the faster levelers.

The jury is still out on whether they are the worst or the best. My assumption is of course that it may be build related as this can effect your character greatly. The first Jadeon quest is very easy, simply head over to the Jadeon province ad talk to the locals in the main city, they will send you out to kill some ebony monkeys which happen to be right outside the city, and return.

Huzzah you are a Jadeon, enjoy the sword. Tier 2. The second Jadeon quest becomes available at level You will be sent to Sunstream to talk to Tanis Ka.

He will send you out to get enlightenment; similar to the south park montage of killing boars. Kill in 20 minutes. I recommend turning invigorate on and choosing quest mobs only in esper settings then turning off all your skills for esper casting and let your character do his auto-attack non stop. I find they can target faster then me since it's a robot.

Or you could find someone who has aoe and have them go level a couple fields of boars at a time. Tier 3. Tier 3 is extremely easy. Just do a run around through Sunstream and kill 50 level 1 wolves. Not much to it at all. Congrats, Tier 3. Modo are a Druid, Warlock combo with some warrior attributes as well. They can change forms into more melee and magical specific as well as cast certain skills in certain forms.

Modo are commonly discussed as of course the most versatile class, and the possibility lying in the player to be the best. A good Modo can dominate all aspects of the game. They are pretty much average everything with no true weakness, but the skills allow them to change the stats around to create weakness' for strengths.

I might also add that they are very cool looking. You will be sent to Doom Bog to meet a Modo named Mr. Gho, he is just outside the local city to the west and you can generally make it to the town by following the road or casting town portal once in Doom Bog, but there are 2 mobs very close by that almost always aggro when someone level 15 walks by to Mr. Either watch the path and talk to him when the ghosts are as far away as possible or have someone protect you.

You could also send your pet towards one of the monsters as they come at you. Skysong are commonly referred to as the most valuable class due to healing and also one of the easiest classes to level as your first character, mostly due to the fact that you can set-up your esper to cast the healing spell on you at a fairly common rate and you will never die, and barely spend money on pots. The less you spend on pots the more you make and the better things in life you can afford.

They have an awesome looking, massive bladed circular object called a glaive in this game which once you see it will be obvious that it is not a glaive, more like a chakram with a handle; which you throw and then miraculously catch. Lupin focus on high damage, critical, good mobility, and spirit draining techniques. They are close range fighters mostly even though they throw the glaive it is very short range.

A good class and although it seems limited in styles, tomes and tier skills will allow you to have the caracter meet your specifications. They are the Tank, Necromancer type class. These are in my opinion second place for your first character and are surely not a bad choice. They have the highest defense rating of all the classes which means they get hit for the least damage, meaning less potion usage.

Vim are known for being one of the far better PvP classes early on but like any melee class in late game, ranged seems to always have more benefits. Hopefully so because I'm not going over that part again. So it's time to craft and you want to make some Celestial gear. Early on crafting doesn't make much sense since you could buy the item from a vendor or get it free from Tanis Ka at higher levels, but eventually you are going to wish you had crafting.

Which means you should level it as you level, otherwise accumulating the mats to improve your crafting will become near impossible to gather. Once you get above a certain level enemies names start turning green and then grey, once they are dark green or grey they almost never drop loot for you which means you never get items.

Now consider the first crafting items are dropped by level monsters, you can get yourself locked out of crafting pretty easily unless you want to make an alternate character for farming, or buy them from the Shady Vendor for 10 silver a piece. Basically, materials come in 4 or so general types. Crafting Materials - These drop regularily off mobs and usually say "Used in crafting" They have 4 types as well, ore, yarns, cloths, and hides.

Class Materials - These drop in a rarer quantity off mobs and say the same thing as above but also "Used in making class name gear" you usually only need one of these to make a piece of gear but as space may become an issue you may want to only collect your personal factions gear. Supplemental Materials - These mats are bought from the crafting store guy but can very rarely drop from monsters.

Rare items - Some recipes will require very rare items usually aquired through quests. Although most of these are for much higher level items and currently many of there locations are unknown to me, but I may make a list later. Alright so you got a couple stacks of mats and it's time to make something out of yourself. But first you must know how to make the item. Recipes randomly drop from all monsters but at a generally low rate, but don't worry as almost all the low level crafting recipes can be bought for next to nothing from the craftsman.

Once you have a recipe right click to learn it, and then you simply press "O" and pick the ones you want to craft. There are special recipes from different places as well that can be aquired. Some drop randomly from monsters, some can be bought from different vendors like the Dreamland Vendor who walks around in Sunstream usually. She sells Recipes for powerful charms but those charms need materials from another quest, which is aquired from beads from another quest. Also, pets have crafting as well.

Learning the pet recipes seemingly require you to have a set amount of crafting skill as well the pet has to have a certain amount of aptitude which can't be increased, except with civility titles but it's only for crafting. I'll get more into the pet stats later for now we focus on the crafting aspect.

You will get a set of recipes when you get a pet to level 60 as they can now actually start crafting. The pet master will give you some start off materials as well and you simply need to gather the materials you can to match the required mats to make the material by sending the pet out to forage. Pet crafting works the same way, gather the mats, get the recipe and make the item, the only difference is pets need certain aptitudes to make certain equipment.

In order to increase your crafting level you are going to have to make like 20 extra weapons anyways. Now you may find someone willing to buy these clean weapons and they will go do the refining more then likely OR, you could refine them yourself. If you kept your special mats for your class then you should be able to refine some gear for yourself of a reasonable quality at a reasonable price.

Talismans drop off monsters at a very common rate, the only ones really worth keeping are the refinery ones and the stats you are looking for in particular so pick a couple stats and stick with it. I usually pick Attack, Defense and Evasion, but this is all personal preference and will also depend on your character.

Refining is a dangerous process which will make a piece of gear better, to an extent, but at the risk of breaking it. Boots follow the same principle but with health. However no matter how well refined these pieces become the main stats, defense never increase.

The chest armor increases the defense attribute, it's not at such a grand scale, but defense is better in my personal opinion. Considering the amount of health potions you will ingest in an 8 hour overnight grind, we'll say for this example, you are going to receive about points of damage.

Weapon refinement is the other piece where refining is important. I won't go in to the math but it's of a similar philosophy. The more damage ou do the less time the monster lives and the less damage it does to you, but also the more monsters you can kill in a smaller period of a time which means more xp and loot.

Basically the common process of elimination can be used to refine gear.. Craft 10 swords or however many you can, then grab some talismans and go to the enchanter. That's the one you use. Then try and refine one of them again usually the new one since the old one probably will have imbuements, and if it works you have a new piece to work with.

If not, well you still have your good piece without risking it. Imbuing works exactly the same as refining except that failing doesn't cause the piece to break so do imbuements after you are done refining something, also you can pick which stats to imbue and they require a specific talisman Don't worry though they are everywhere If the imbue fails all imbue is removed so you have to restart the imbue from scratch but that's not a huge set-back.

We'll go over a basic explanation of what I know the esper mystic can do for you and your esper. However, an esper does not level automaticaly it has to be unequipped and take to the esper mystic in the local town and upgraded for a petty fee. At which point the esper will gain a level and it's stats will increase slightly. It is important to level your esper as much as possible, although I wouldn't worry too much about the tigram, but when you get the level 15 esper from your faction quest you will want to be using that esper as much as possible.

Upgrading can also be used on a few other things such as your skysword which has a direct tie to the Espers, you can't ride a skysword without a full energy esper and as you fly the espers energy is drained. Every 30 seconds to 1 minute, the skysword will gain 5 proficiency and when it is full you can upgrade the same way you upgrade an esper. Once it has been upgraded a certain amount of times the grade will increase, making it slightly faster. The second grade is about , and I hear the third grade is above , though this is unconfirmed.

Well there is a way around that. Some items in the game can be catalyzed with espers to instantly increase proficiency. As of right now, the only place I have seen or heard of the items existing in game are from the cash shop. Buying experience seems cheap but as long as you are maintaining your espers level it is really unneccessary.

I'm at the point now where I have to go about 3 levels where the esper can't actually level at all since it's 1 level for esper for every 5 I get. A temporary Skyblade can be obtained by completing a weekly quest from the Wind Fairy. Skyblades also have levels and grades which will increase with use, increasing their speed. The downside is that you cannot fight on Skyblades. Mounts allow a player to travel on the ground faster than they could run, though characters in the Arden faction can outrun most mounts in their fox transformation, which increases resistances and speed.

Permanent mounts can be bought from the marketplace and temporary mounts can be won in the Kunlun Wonderland Fair zone. Portal charms and portal scrolls respectively teleport the player to a wanted location and to the actual map's Town for example if you're in Sunstream and use a portal scroll, you will be teleported to Sunstream City.

However, portal charms can be purchased from the marketplace or from other players with Jade Dynasty ' s trading system, while portal scrolls are free and are given to the player each time he uses a Treasure Chest. Their names are, however, very original, as they are based on the Chinese novel Zhu Xian's story. The Humans and the Athans races each have six classes in total, with the individual class locked onto that race.

The Etherkins currently has five classes. These classes are as follows. The Jadeon are one of the three Good-aligned human factions and are the spell-sword mage of the game. They are a class that values honor. They are ranged, possessing very powerful ranged and Area of Effect AoE attacks that damage many enemies around a specific point, but have low health and defense stats this can be compensated with their wide range of protective spells however.

They use robes, along with a sword as their equipment. The Skysong are very valuable in group combat due to their ability to cast skills that empower their allies and inflict sleeping effects on their enemies. They have low defense and attack power, but their healing abilities make them very resilient. With themes based around being arcane monks, they have an array of skills that would bless their allies, with some they may use from afar that would heal them and deal considerable damage to the enemy.

Skysongs also have area-of-effect spells but not many particularly strong ones. They use robes as their armor, and staffs as their weapons. They are a class that values love and despair. They focus almost exclusively on single-target skills, silence curses and "buffs" that increase their damage or empower their critical hits.

Without buffs and even with buffs , the class is generally weaker on the defensive side compared to the other classes. Their skills involve mainly assassination via dance-themed martial arts and "mana burn" which would work as a silencer stopping enemies from resenting too much in their attacks.

The Lupin uses light armor as their means of defensive clothing. Their weapon is the glaive, a round throwing weapon with edges connecting or floating around the main circle. When shown in combat, the glaive floats, spins at a very high speed around the hand of the Lupin individual and will be thrown at the opponent at close range.

The Vim faction fights enemies from melee range while having strong defensive capabilities that would make them a worthy adversary to take down. In the story, they were originally a Good-aligned faction, but their disregard for life and careless fighting style have isolated them from the Jadeon and Skysong factions. They use somewhat dark, brutal martial arts, as well as warrior-based skills. They wear heavy armor and their weapon is the duoblade, a double-ended sword. The Modo are the human necromancers.

Incredibly versatile, they are generally unpredictable in the three ways that they can strike. As a human, they can transform into two forms: Demonic, and Modon. They are a class that values dark enlightenment. The Demonic Posture shifts them into a melee form that focuses on improving their health, attack, and defense, but lowers their resistances to enemy status effects.

Their Modon form improves their resistances, increases their spirit used in casting skills and maintaining their defensive shield , and uses long-ranged skills, a variety of curses and damage-over-time attacks. Their normal form is the Human form, which can cast powerful area-of-effect attacks, dealing high amount of damage at medium range, but sacrifice defensive capabilities for the power. Their style of skill is dark-necromancy themed, where in many aspects of their spells they will use demonic glyphs as well as summon skulls, bones and parasites to torment their enemy.

Their armor are rather strange robes, usually decorated with skeletal linings. They use the fangclaw, a clawed glove or gauntlet that they wear on one hand. The human mages of Incense Valley combine a party-support role with heavy mage-like damage.

They are the guardians of Incense Valley, and are one of the three Good-aligned factions. They were introduced in the "Legacy" expansion along with the Forta. They are a class that values justice. Incense Mages are able to deal a lot of damage over time with the "Burn" effect many of their attacks inflict.

Incense Mages can also focus on party support with area control spells or aura buffs, which grow more powerful with more party members. Their usual style of fighting involves summoning fire, and using their weapons as fire conductors to inflict burning marks onto their enemies. They use robes as armor, and their weapons are kristocs, several rapier-like swords that hover in the air behind them.

The Balo tribe of Athan are the barbaric class of the game. Along with the Arden, they were one of two classes introduced in the "Ascension" expansion. They wield axes and focus on health and defense, even more so than the Vim, which focuses mainly on defensive shields.

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