What is the difference between ruby and jruby

JRuby runs inside the Java Virtual Machine. There are many gems and plugins that might not work inside JRuby, specifically one's with native C extensions, unless they've been rewritten to run in Java. Ultimately the difference comes in when you want to actually deploy your application assuming the gems you want to use weren't an issue. If you would like to deploy to a java web server, then JRuby would be the way to go. There is always the mongrel or thin cluster option as well, again using the standard interpreter.

Both have up- and downsides also Ruby can use native extensions, JRuby can access to Java types, objects etc. JRuby uses Ruby 1. JRuby has Java threads meaning it will scale to many cpus, cores etc. JRuby is the Java implementation of Ruby. It's compatible with Ruby 1.

It runs on a JVM and allows you to easily integrate existing Java libraries. JRuby is mostly Ruby compatible. One aspect of JRuby is that you can run it in non-compatible modes for performance reasons. Asking about the difference between the two doesn't really make sense: they are on two entirely different levels of abstraction.

It's similar to asking what is the difference between a car and a Prius. It doesn't make sense, either: a Prius an implementation of the general concept of a car. You could ask what's the difference between a Prius and a Hummer or the difference between a car and an aeroplane, but the difference between a car and a Prius doesn't make sense.

JRuby is a java implementation of Ruby interpreter. Rails aka Ruby on Rails is a web application framework written in Ruby.

As far as I know jruby is simply a ruby implementation written in java so it allows easy integration with the java runtime. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? You can also override the display name with something more user-friendly. As with RDT, you can change the interpreter name to something more user-friendly. Finally, click OK to add the interpreter.

This is a problem when referencing Java classes located in external JAR files. Since the JRuby interpreter is simply a Java class, it can be run as such within Eclipse. Select Java Application and click the New button to create a new launch configuration. For the Main class, enter org.

In the Arguments tab, put the path to the Ruby file you want to run in the Program arguments section along with any other application-specific arguments. The VM arguments should include the jruby. Set jruby. Finally, in the Classpath tab, add bsf.

Then, click the Run button to execute. Eclipse also supports expressions that prompt the user for input. You can use this functionality to make the launch configuration more reusable. In this case, the user is prompted for a location within the Eclipse workspace that is then converted into a filesystem path. You can see these expressions in use in Figure Running this configuration opens a dialog, seen in Figure , where you can enter the workspace path to the Ruby script you want to execute.

On subsequent executions, Eclipse automatically populates this dialog with the last value entered. Download NetBeans 6. NetBeans is available in a variety of bundles; both the Ruby and All bundles include support for Ruby development. If you are already using NetBeans 6. Once the Ruby plugin has been installed, use the Ruby page in the Ruby Platforms dialog seen in Figure to manage the Ruby runtimes used by your projects. After several years of playing second fiddle to Eclipse, Sun has recently made some significant investments in the NetBeans project, and it shows—nowhere more so than in the Ruby plugin.

The NetBeans Ruby Code Editor includes syntax highlighting, code coloring, refactoring support, and powerful code completion capabilities. The code completion functionality can be seen in Figure The editor displays a list of possible methods in a small window, including built-in and user-defined Ruby classes.

Hitting the space bar at this point inserts the complete name into the editor. Configuration is done in the Options dialog seen in Figure Deploying Rails on the GlassFish v2 Server. You would like to detect the platform used by the Ruby runtime and customize your code for a JRuby runtime environment. This value will always be defined in a JRuby application but never in any other Ruby runtime.

The new variable also opened up the possibility for JRuby version-specific code. Buildr, a build system for Java written in Ruby, includes support for downloading JAR files from remote Maven repositories. More information about Buildr can be found in Chapter 6. Skip to main content.

Start your free trial. Chapter 1. Getting Started. Example Introduction to Ruby blocks. Note The Ruby yield function transfers control to the block argument. Installing JRuby. Warning If you launch either jirb.

Linux and Mac OS X. See Also. Sharing RubyGems. Creating a Java TreeMap from Ruby. Creating an alias to avoid class name conflicts. String' do package,name "JString" end p JString.

Aliasing multiple classes with case. Wrapping a Java package with a Ruby module. Ruby to Java type conversion. PrintWriter; import java. StringWriter; import java.

Arrays; import java. Collections; import java. List; import org. Ruby; import org. Accessing static methods and variables. Math::max , puts java. Converting a Ruby Array into a Java Array. Creating a JAR file path dynamically. Extending a Java Class in Ruby. Subclassing a Java class in Ruby.

Thread def run puts 'hello world' end end MyThread. Warning One notable exception to this recipe is classes that use Java 5 generics. An abstract Java class. Ruby class that subclasses an abstract Java class. Implementing a Java Interface in Ruby. Ruby implementation of a Java interface. Declaring Java interfaces in JRuby.

JRuby working with Java interfaces—condensed version. Implementing a Java interface with a module. Collections::sort v, java. Implementing a Java interface with a Ruby block. Note Java interfaces that define a single method are sometimes referred to as single abstract method types , abbreviated as SAM types. Opening Java Classes with JRuby. Adding a method to HashMap. HashMap class HashMap def is? A simple class to generate a HashMap object. Applying open class semantics to an instance created with Java code.

The Java version is tightly integrated with Java to allow both to script any Java class and to embed the interpreter into any Java application. See the docs directory for more information. On the other hand, Ruby is detailed as " A dynamic, interpreted, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity ". Ruby is a language of careful balance. JRuby and Ruby are both open source tools.

It seems that Ruby with I'm new to development, and I've been studying JavaScript and Ruby concurrently, but I'm to a point now where I should really be focusing my effort into learning one language.

I'd like a solid foundation and understanding, so that I can move forward with confidence. Everywhere I go, I keep hearing that RoR is a dying breed.

However, I really have enjoyed Ruby and Rails Its approachable, fun, and readability is great. I just don't want to set myself up for failure by saddling myself in with a stack that will take me nowhere. What is your opinion on the future of RoR and would it be foolish for me to invest too much time in learning it over others?

Ruby on Rails is far from being dead. In fact, this is a very popular choice in early-stage startups, given how fast and easily it allows them to launch their product and iterate on it. Even at more mature companies, you'll still find a ton of opportunities. Not for internal tools or legacy codebases, but for actual production workloads: web apps, APIs, etc Some may tell you that Ruby doesn't scale, but is it really Ruby that doesn't scale, or the code they wrote?

Languages have trends. Sometimes, recruiters will try to take you one way or another to meet their own agenda. Don't always listen to what you hear. Long live Ruby! Long live Rails! RnR even uses quite an amount of Javascript. I think that Ruby, and Rails, are design by improving on previous languages, and shifting the perspective from speed to readability and general developer friendliness.

Opposed to that, Javascript did not have any design goals at all, and seems to be repeating the errors of all language designs that existed before. So my advice is to to learn RnR first, you get a head start, Javascript will just come along with it.

And you can distinct yourself from other people that claim web development knowledge because they have done one javascript tutorial I know I'm cheating by recommending both, but that's because I don't think you can go wrong either way. I've been working with RoR full-time for the past 3. Compared to JavaScript, it's so much easier to read which is amazing from a team collaboration perspective. As for the perception that it's dead, when I recently started looking for new opportunities, I received probably an average of calls a week from recruiters looking for people with RoR experience.

Also, if you look around for average wages of developers of different languages, Ruby is fairly high up there higher than JavaScript if I recall correctly , probably because there are fewer of us around and we can command a premium. However, that said, if your goal is to find a full-time engineering position quickly, then JavaScipt certainly is the flavor of the month and any product with a frontend component will need it. JavaScript is probably more versatile than Ruby at the moment and it seems like new frameworks are being written for it all the time, but remember that Ruby was also the preferred language by almost all companies years ago.

At the end of the day, I would go with the language that you enjoy writing the most as you'll be using it a lot in your workplace. If you aren't having fun at work, that's a lot of time spent suffering. One of the things that we I often hear since I started programming, is that languages will die. Ruby and JavaScript are both one of the most popular languages today.

Go ahead and learn both, or choose one to learn. But also learn data structures, design patterns and testing. This is basic for awesome developers and a lot are missing that. I've been in the Ruby on Rails game for twenty years. For the last ten, Rails has been declared deceased. The jobs are highly paid and fun. All the pros you list are valid. Yes it is a beautiful language, the OO makes sense, it's dynamic and expressive, and the ecosystem is top shelf.

What's to dislike? There are a lot of Rails websites out there. And new ones get created every day too. Ruby is quirky. Since the syntax is pretty different from PHP, and core developers being opinionated, some people just see drama. When Node. JS got slightly usable, they moved over to that. Many engineering managers will just select the ecosystem that is biggest. JS is a lot bigger. But if you don't care about going a little off the beaten path sometimes, Ruby in my opinion still, after all this time, gives me joy when I use it.


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