Economy: The amount of money available, depending upon the socio-economic status also effects the meal planning. The major part of the income is spent on food. Therefore, one should spend economically to get maximum utilization.
Although the budget of a family of moderate-income group may not provide for foods of the luxury class, it can still offer variety and opportunity for choice. Food budgets in lower income families permit even more limited choice and it may become increasingly necessary to 3. Then the problem faced is the supplementation of this cereal with foods necessary for a balanced diet. Although it may become difficult to plan, it is nevertheless possible.
Thereby, it is very important to know the less expensive alternative for the more expensive recommended foods, having high nutritive value. Such recipes and foods should be included in meal preparation like using cereal pulse combination e. The facilities and help available: The time spent in cooking depends on other facilities and other help availability of servant, using readymade foods, using labour saving devices.
However, time like money needs to be budgeted for its best use. Time management in the preparation of foods is essential for the home maker who is also employed outside the home. Satiety Value: Any individual meal should provide enough satiety value, so that one does not feel hungry till it is time for the next meal. Proteins and fats have greater satiety value as compared to carbohydrates e.
Personal likes and dislikes: Although the recommended dietary allowances for each of the classes of food should be followed, there is room for individual preference amongst the foods in each class. Some people make personal likes and dislikes the only basis for the inclusion or exclusion of certain foods in their meals — the failure to include milk is a common practice.
It is always better to change the form of the food rather than to completely omit it. For example, milk can be given in the form of curd, cheese, custard or other sweet dish, soyabeans in the form of soya flour chapattis mixed with wheat flour.
Religion, traditions and customs: They are important in determining the food included in the diet, type of meal and the dishes served to the individual of family. Rice is considered an auspicious dish at festivals and marriages.
Widows are generally not served fish in Bengal. Therefore, religion, traditions and customs should be kept in view while planning meals for a family. Food fads and fallacies: It often receive more publicity than sound nutrition information. Therefore, while planning the meals, one must try and remove these foods fads, so that notorious meals are provided. Availability of foods stuffs and climate: In earlier times, the dietary habits depended mainly upon the foods produced in a particular area or community, but today with improved methods of foods preservation and distribution, even the most perishable foods are available over large areas.
The wide variation in dietary patterns throughout the world depends largely upon the available food supply and which depends on the climate. Thereby, only seasonal foods should be included in the diet. Also, the season of the year requires some consideration, for the type of dishes selected e. Variety: It is very important, because nobody likes to eat even his favourite food stuff over and over again.
Therefore, to introduce variety, do not repeat same food items during day-meal. Also variety in meal planning is the sum total of many kinds and classes of food served in pleasing colour combinations, with judicious mixture of soft and crisp foods, blunt and sharp flavours, hot and cold dishes.
It ensures better nutrition and also result in more interesting meals with an attractive variety of texture, colour, taste and appearance which in turn stimulates appetite and please the palate. Various methods of working can also introduce a variety — a meal consisting of tandoori roti, dal and seasonal green vegetable also with a crisp salad. Schedules of family members: When planning meals, one needs to think of the schedules time table of the family members — meal times and the number of meals eaten at home and those that are eaten away from home.
If packed lunches are made, the menus need to be modified to ensure that the items can be packed and the menu is appetizing even when cold. Family size and composition: The family size affects the foods that can be served.
It is known that the money spent for food per person decreases as the family size increases, when the family income remains constant. Staples such as wheat and rice are bought in larger amounts but quantity of milk, vegetables and fruits is lowered. Thus, the quality of the diet is affected. Family composition affects the kind and amounts of mood needed and pattern of meals served.
For eg when children are below 5 years of age, more milk is required, the numbers of meals are more, as the child cannot take large amount at a time. As the child grows the meal pattern changes to accommodate the school hours and the need to pack lunch or snack may arise. Older members of the family may require change in consistency of food due to faulty teeth. Meal Times: It is also an important factor in meal planning.
The meals should be planned according to the time for meal i. But this is not a rigid schedule and can be changed according to individual requirement. Priya Indian. Neerja Indian. Zira US English. Oliver British. Wendy British. Fred US English. Tessa South African.
How to say meal plan in sign language? Examples of meal plan in a Sentence Debbie Koenig of Queens : Our meal plan includes one night a week of ordering in — I don't cook seven nights. Select another language:. Please enter your email address: Subscribe. Discuss these meal plan definitions with the community: 0 Comments. Notify me of new comments via email. Why is meal planning important? The exact benefits of meal planning are a little different for everyone, but I find most reasons fit into three main categories.
Meal planning is the simple act of planning and writing down any of your meals for the week or month! Plan for yourself or plan for your family. Plan to eat wholesome meals, and plan a night out or two. The goal is not to start from zero for every single meal. There are a lot of reasons why I think meal planning and meal prepping rock, but I think they all fit into three main categories: saving time, saving money, and having more control over your food choices. This reason is the most appealing to me.
I love saving time! These foods can be higher in calories and sodium and can sabotage your weight management or health goals. Give us a call on 13 15 12 or click here to order now. But is it really possible to rid yourself of belly fat? And why do we have it in the first place? But there are things we can do to help us better manage these feelings.