Extreme couponing is a play on the phrase, extreme sport , a sport featuring a level of exertion and danger. Coca-Cola is credited with issuing the first coupon. Man, tucks up his shirt-sleeves, and starts the tables. Do you consider yourself an Exterme Couponer? Feel free to weigh in below. It depends how they're using everything. I saw an episode where the family gave most of what they didn't use to friends and charity. But stockpiling groceries you don't even use just because you got a deal?
That's compulsive hoarding. Yes, I saw an episode too where the groceries were donated to charity. I have the same blockage as Practical Parsimony and have had for a long time. It only happens with this blog and no others. What could this be? I am unable to fix it on my end. Nothing works. Anyway, on the couponers, too bad I don't have cable so I can't watch. But I am saving majorly with the coupon match up.
I do subscribe to 2 papers but it's well worth it. Never watched this show and now I don't want to. I have my control issues too, so I think watching something like this would just stress me out.
I clipped coupons when I was younger and had more energy than I do now. I'd head for the grocery store and then usually, as I was pulling into the parking lot, I'd realize I'd forgotten the dang things.
Even when I remembered them, I never seem to save much money with them. I finally stopped clipping them about 20 years ago. The only coupons I use on a consistent basis are the ones I get through Kroger's loyalty card program. Those coupons are for things I actually buy, so they almost always get used.
Catseye: It's also nice that you can add them instantly to your card, I'd imagine. I like that idea, for sure. Though it's also great to print out the ones on Coupon. That site will give you 10 cents for each coupon you redeem that is printed from its site. Not a bad little way to pad your savings. I like the show "Extreme Couponing". As much as the first two women and man scared me, I was impressed with the Coupon Diva from Philly.
She didn't have a stock pile like the other three but she said she wasn't in debt and she didn't have to buy toothpaste and toilet paper. I just want to use coupons are the things that I buy on a normal level. I don't need a gazillion coupons for stuff especially when I am single. That is why it is called Extreme Couponing. I was amazed so were the store staff when at the end what these people paid for their stuff using coupons. But I really don't want 42 bottles of mustard in my house!
I've seen it and the things you don't like about it are pretty much what I don't like about it either. I remember thinking these people are hoarding which is total OCD behavior. I was also frustrated by the lack of cost on the coupons. When I pay for a newspaper for coupons, I add that to my cost of groceries because one offsets the other. I also started to feel frustrated I can never score these types of deals— and then my rational brain clicked on.
Am I going to walk 2 miles every morning to gather coupons? Am I going to order coupons online? Am I going to create a huge stash? So this isn't for me. I do coupon and I do create stashes but of much smaller sizes than those people have. The other thing is I live in FL which is not the most coupon-friendly of states.
So a lot of those examples I kinda watched in horror but they don't really apply to me. I like TLC but they have the ability to frustrate me as well.
This show is the perfect example of that. BTW there's one guy online who's doing major couponing for charity. Mutant Supermodel: It's the same in Washington: people got in a frenzy when Albertsons would double three coupons a week. It was an occasional offer. Don't know if the store still offers it, since I'm not there anymore. Point being, you can't get such crazy deals — though my mom proves you can get good ones — when your stores aren't doubling or rounding up coupons. And maybe that's a good thing because it leads to less hoarding.
I think my personal limit would be a year or two supply. The rest seems excessive. Some people resale it for cheaper than store prices and make money off of it. Some folks donate it- share it with friends. Some say they will but never do and things go to waste.
I've only watched the show once- I'm all for couponing and getting a good deal- but do you need to clear the shelves of 36 bottles of maalox? Come on. I also think the show is ruining it for folks, I've seen on coupon forums that a lot of store managers or limiting where they didn't before- and limiting the doubling too. Me personally, I have a personal stash that is part of my "year's supply" of emergency storage.
Don't forget that a year's supply should include toiletries in case of emergencies, etc. But once I feel like I'm getting too much of something, I dontate it or give it away. I donated a bunch of toiletries to a program here where I work that they sent overseas to military.