Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I still think the intent here is to buy up ammunition to exacerbate shortages in the private sector. With the feds buying up so much ammo, prices for private-sector purchasers goes through the roof. Which makes gun ownership and use all the more difficult and expensive. Another question is why so many hollow-point bullets are being purchased? Related posts. At least Half … phillydeclaration. You are commenting using your WordPress.
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Like this: Like Loading At least Half … […] Like Like. Leave a Reply Cancel Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email required Address never made public. Jim Jordan Ohio and Jason Chaffetz Utah , lent the conspiracies more credibility, holding a joint hearing to demand answers.
And though he stopped short of fully embracing the "secret army" theory, Rep. Jeff Duncan R-S. Other lawmakers posited a slightly different theory: The government, uncertain whether new gun laws would prevail in Congress, had authorized the purchases to remove ammo from shelves. If the government couldn't take away guns, it would just take away ammo instead, the theory went.
In response, Sen. Jim Inhofe R-Okla. Frank Lucas R-Okla. Called the Ammunition Management for More Obtainability Act of AMMO , the legislation would require the government to report on its ammo reserves, and prevent it from making additional purchases past a certain threshold.
Do it with ammo. Homeland Security has more or less laughed off the suggestions. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano said the department "found it so inherently unbelievable that those statements would be made it was hard to ascribe credibility to them.