How long will wizard101 be down for maintenance

If you have questions about this block, please contact us at community kingsisle. For all account questions and concerns, contact Customer Support. Maintenance Question. Author Message superd I was one fight from finishing an instance when the server came down for maintenance.

Thanks for listening. That seems like an amazing idea. Usually, for my time zone, it doesn't effect or is it affect? I always get those confused me much. But I am sure this must be frustrating for you. Hopefully Kingsisle will take the rotating time zones into consideration. However, it would be a bit odd, considering it may take a few add-ons to see which time zone you would be in.

Also, the game would change at different times all over the world. Kingsisle can either face the trouble and try it or you will just have to face it. Vanessa MoonFlower. I doubt they would do that. You see, since their company is located in a certain time zone, it would not be wise to switch times. If it's 3AM your time then it would be in a very busy time of day for the game in the US. Since a majority of their players do come from the US it's not a good idea to do that.

I do understand what you mean though! I'm sorry this is your situation, but i'm not sure if they can do anything about the monthly pay thing. They can't really do anything because, since you choose the time of day you play An error occurred while retrieving sharing information. Please try again later.

Many AOE spells have been given a facelift! Pokemon trading card game. How long does Wizard go down for maintenance? Can you play Wizard offline? Why is wizard Our maintenance involves multiple steps and includes a variety of game configuration components not just individual servers: patch and gameplay servers, database and operation monitoring tools, etc. Usually during maintenance we are changing shared components and it needs to be done at once. We cannot, for example, change a database structure and have half of the game servers shutdown and the other half online.

The half online will not know about the new changes and could lead to data loss. If that happens we are going to have much longer down times and painful data restoration.

Neither you nor us want that to happen. So, as unpleasant as it is, there are no other easy ways to perform a maintenance other than turn off the services completely. To better mitigate the down time we picked just one day in a week and the time when there are least players playing. I know this is not what you wanted to hear, but I hope you would understand our situation better now.

That only partly explains the inability. If you look at my post, I understand that you would need to shut the game down at some point. I was thinking of data base structure when I thought of that.

I can understand that it maybe complicated by shared components although not sure how extensive that is. However, data loss seems irrelevant to the discssion. Even if you save all data to one shared server, there would be no chance of corruption if you simply continue running the game under the old code while you do maintenance on non shared components. When you have performed whatever maintenance that you can perform, you then force a shutdown saving character data at that point.

At that point the whole game is offline but at least some portion of the maintenance has been done and the downtime shorter. There is no reason, you couldnt do all the non-shared components, then take the game down for any shared components and any database conversions you needed.

The servers that were running while you performed maintenance on non-shared components could then be maintained off line while the game is again running on the new code. Data loss doesnt come into the picture. Again, this is a suggestion to minimize downtime. I am sure that it would require some thought on how to do it. I have both played and maintained online fantasy games in the past and havent run into the amount of downtime maintenance I have seen in your game before.

Oran of Urz. I was a coder and wizard on one of the first and biggest text based Muds that was a direct ancestor of this game called SneezyMUd. I also was a player at Sojourn. I played there for a few years although I was just a player and not involved in maintenance.

Once again you have slightly misread my post. I have not said in any form you do not need maintenance. Regular maintenance is of course required. I have said in 2 posts, that at some point the game has to go offline.


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